Black and white picture house with children and nuns

History of Coercive Welfare Measures in Uri

History of Coercive Welfare Measures in Uri

Much research has been done in recent years on the history of coercive welfare measures in Switzerland. In addition to federal research projects, many cantons and institutions have issued their own research mandates. Thanks to such efforts it is becoming clearer in which areas government and the justice system have failed to provide sufficient protection against, for example, physical abuse.

In Uri, little is known about the history of coercive measures and the placing of children in foster care or children’s homes. The Historical Society of Uri has decided to address this knowledge gap, commissioning a socio-scientific study on the subject. Its first objective is to describe the extent and forms of coercive measures in Uri’s past. The study is also aimed at raising awareness of coercive former practices, and to recognise the harm done to the relevant parties and their descendants. The study will thus contribute to the social history of Uri as well as the history of the modern welfare state in general.

This 2-year research project (2020-2022) has been entrusted to Prof. Dr. Nadja Ramsauer and Dr. Susanne Businger of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Cultures of the Alps’ has made office space available to the researchers in Altdorf.



Forms of cultural inscription

Historischer Verein Uri
February 2020
June 2022
Prof. Dr. Nadja Ramsauer (ZHAW)
Dr. Susanne Businger (ZHAW)