Together with the AlpEnForCe Foundation, the Uri Institute "Cultures of the Alps" is carrying out the study "Alpine electricity for a climate-positive Switzerland" in view of the energy research talks at the end of January 2024. The aim of the meta-study is to find the most sensible combination of the various production options from photovoltaics, water and wind, taking into account the requirements for biodiversity, and to integrate them into the pan-European market for decarbonized energy sources and into a pan-European supply network. Based on three assumptions - decarbonization and climate positivity, new renewable photovoltaics and wind, security of supply and energy self-sufficiency within the technically economically feasible limits - the study formulates the most realistic scientific assumptions for (1) mitigation, adaptation and biomass; for (2) potential, production costs, storage options and biodiversity; and for (3) grid integration and energy self-sufficiency, nuclear power gap and use of supposed 'overproduction'.
The Alps as resources
March 2023
Prof. Dr. Boris Previšić
Dr. Ivo Schillig