This project examines the social and environmental consequences of transnational dams in the Alps since 1870. Social debates that accompanied the flooding of mountain valleys are highlighted, as well as the fates of the village and valley communities affected by them. In parallel, it analyses the ecological consequences of dams built in the Alps. To this intent, the project takes into consideration both the transnational and environmental history of the areas involved to provide a big-picture view of Europe’s ‘water towers’ as a macro region inside of which individual alpine countries play a definitive role. Many dams were built not only with the assistance of international energy corporations. But countries too embark on dam constructions in natural water courses in cross-border areas where there are consequences for neighbouring nations. This research project will provide a historical overview of the local socio-ecological costs of hydraulic constructions in the Alps and cast a spotlight on the transnational networks involved.
The Alps as resources
October 2020
October 2027
Dr. Sebastian De Pretto